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Thursday, 31 October 2013


Only one more day until Weekend! YAY

Today, wasn't a really nice day, it was very windy and looked rainy all the time..

And immediately in the first period we did chocolate chip pancakes in the cooking class, what a good day to start in the day!:D We didn't even get finished because we had heaps of dough! So at lunchtime we came again and finished doing the pancakes and ate them with wipped cream and banana slices!

At form time, I had house assembly because it's the end of the regular school and my house, Kauri, won the Patu, which is like a challange between the different houses. This was during the whole schoolyear, and it consisted of a swimming, athletics, kapa haka, pull the engine and some more challanges. The year 13 leavers said goodbye and the house teachers all got a little present. It was really nice!

In the last period, there was a film premiere and I could invite some friends and we had chips and popcorn, cookies, and Carla, Bea and Anna were there. There were some very interesting videos but the teacher took the wrong movie from the skitrip of the coputer, so he couldn't show it.. But that's alright.

My hostsister still didn't feel too well so she only went partly to school and then she had to get to her work instructions.

Then I helped doing dinner, wonderful salad, mashed potatoes and egg:)

Happy Halloween!

1 comment:

  1. Désolée pour le film de ski... Oh, zut! Bon, chocolate chips pancakes??? Oh la la! A gouter... Halloween doit être aussi très populaire là bas.
