On Thursday, the weather was pretty fine, even good and hot:) What a nice change!
In my cooking class I did my mousse au chocolat, and I put it into the fridge and I could take it today! But sadly I did something wrong in the recepies, but it was still alright! Everybody was working hard on their dish and trying to be ready in time. I was a bit exhausting but really nice.
In form time and even a bit more, we had assembly from the blue house, and awards were given to the people who had been very active in some sportteam or other. It was nice but really long.. 25 minutes sitting on the floor in the sportshall..
Otherwise, it was the first day, where my friend Sofie was back at school, because she had a lot of trouble coming back from her south island tour. First she was in Wellington, but because of the strong winds over there, her flight was canceled and she stayed a night in Wellington, the next day, the airport was still closed, so she decided to take a bus to Taupo and then she took another bus back to Napier. And then her bus even had a engine problem after only a half hour drive. But she finally arrived on Tuesday evening and on Wednesday, she had a rest day after all this stress...
After school I went for a little run, but it was really hot so I wasn't able to run for too long..
Je suis sûre que la prochaine fois, ta mousse au chocolat sera parfaite! Et les Platzen de paps? Oh, la la, quelle aventure pour cette Sofie! Moi, j'aurai été bien angoissée, c'est sur....