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Tuesday, 1 October 2013

poor New Zealand doggies

So when I went to Sofie's house on Sunday, I went for a walk with her dogs and that was really wonderful, but it's pretty sad to know that here in New Zealand almost all the dogs are Outside dogs and are spending all their life outside, sometimes not even going for walkes. Sofie's hostfamily are british, and the expatries are almost the only people here going constantly for walkes because of their habits in their homecountry. I always feel really sad to see the dogs just being on a leach in the garden all day long, day for day... But that's nothing really unsual for New Zealand and that makes me really sad because in Luxembourg-okay a previliged country but still- it's already a scandal when there is a dog who isn't allowed in the house during the day. Here it is special when a dog is allowed to sleep in the garage during night, usually they just sleep in a canish outside..

So Sofie's hostmother sometimes takes the neighbour dog with her for walks or takes him into her garage and feeds him when it's raining, because it's a typical outside dog. Also when I cuddled him, my hands were full of dirt because the people aren't cleaning their dogs...

In my hostfamily, the dog is already very old- 13 years- so he is also an outside dog, but earlier they went for walks with him and they often wash him, so that's already a previlidged New Zealand dog..

So these are my impressions and what I have learned about doglifes for now

1 comment:

  1. Et notre Mango qui n'arrête pas de sortir.... Quelle chance il a d'avoir le privilège de se rouler dans la boue... Quel bonheur pour lui de sentir mauvais... Quelle excitation de chasser les souris. Quel délice de manger des crottes... Waou. Il a une belle vie ce Mango!
