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Tuesday, 1 October 2013


On Monday, I had a nice an relaxed day with Sofie. I had toast with Nutella for breakfast, which was delicious, it's been a long time since I have eaten nnutella! And then we slowly made our selfes ready and later on Carla came along and we talked, sang and laughed a lot! Carla was quite sad because she was pretty homesick, but then we baked some brownies and then she already felt better:) Later I went to the village with the others after a lot of pieces of Brownies and then walked home. It was a nice and relaxing day with my friends! They are now both going on to a South Island trip during the 2 weeks of holidays and I think that's really good, because it will keep her busy and she won't be thinking about that too much!

In fact there are already less than 10 weeks until my parents are coming, that's so exciting for me!

1 comment:

  1. Bonne idée de cuisiner des brownies pour retrouver le moral!
    Moi, je ne suis pas excitée de venir, je suis inquiète car rien de prêt.... Oh la la.
