First of all, I had to get up at 6 o'clock, which is 1 and a half hours earlier than usual.. But in fact it was okay, I ate breakfast and my lunch was ready from the night before. So it was totally alright and I walked to the four sqare shop and Carla's hostmom picked me up after a little delay because one horse didn't want to get in its travelbox.. So we arrived really early and almost nobody was there.
Then the organisator came and she told us to help putting the jumping poles to the right hight. Then we helped doing the obstacle parcours. It was really fun and I thought it looked really cute!
Then I got told what was my job and I had a job in the office, I had to add together the scores of the dressage competitions. So I always had to get the result papers from the different cars which were observing and judging and then a boy typed the scores in the computer and he did lists with who are the first, second... It was really nice and we had some food and drinks because we were helpers for free! As the day continued, we got more and more scores for the dressage, and when they were all typed in and the results were out, we could give the scarfs with their ranking to the participants. So it was a event for the primary and intermediate school and the were always really happy to get their scarfs, it was really a good job!
Then there also was the obsacle parcours, barrel, show jumper and show hunter. The show jumping and hunter were with different hights of the obstacles, 40, 60 and 80. Then there was a prize giving for the different teams and then it was already 5 pm. The people were pretty stressed and wanted to get home, but there were still some lists which weren't printed so we couldn't give the scarfs.. The people were pretty annoying and we couldn't do anything about it. And some parents were talking and stressing and this wasn't helpful at all.. And there were some other girls, who appearently wanted to help but they made it only worse, but messing aroung and mixing the papers all together. Then I had to leave but it was alright and we were one of the last people there again. I also took some scarfs home as a souvenir. I really enjoyed the day and I was really tired coming home. I also helped packing up the obstacles and did some snacks for the others.
In fact i have been almost all day without shoes, because they got wet in the morning because of the wet grass and I prefered walking barefoot than in wet shoes and most of the time I was in the office anyway.
Sadly my handback was in the car all day, so I couldn't take a lot of pictures..
When I came home, we had dinner, salad, which was perfect after this day! And I wanted to go into the pool, but the sun was gone and the wind was blowing, so when I tried to go in I was already cold, so I decided not to go.
Ben, dis donc, quelle journée..... Waou. Et tout ça pieds nus.... Oh la la.... Bravo pour le secrétariat (même si parfois certains n'étaient pas satisfaits). Et pour l'eau de la piscine, je te comprends, très très bien.....