Der Globus ist dazu da um entdeckt zu werden.

Friday, 18 October 2013


This morning, I was really relaxed, because I thought I still had plenty of time, because on Friday school starts at 9, so I was on fb, chatting with Sofie. And then when I wanted to leave at 8:45, my hostsister, you know that in term 4 school starts even on Friday at quater to 9 so i was just like no. So I started jogging to school and I only came 5 minutes too late, so proud:) But I wasn't the only one, not being awere of that or forgetting it:p

Otherwise at school I didn't o anything special, but the weather was good so I think I might get a bit tanned with the sun:) After lunch I had cooking lesson and did Reibeplätzen. I think they weren't bad, but none of my recepies will be used for the international food lunch, because my recepies, weren't not really good for selling in lunch time, but I tasted a lot of delicious other dishes like cookies, a danish cake, trouffels, my mousse au chocolat and some other things. But my mousse had a mistake in it, because I did something wrong yesterday, but it was still good:)

After school I walked home with Rikke because I had to post some postcards and it was also on her way. Otherwise, there will be a running challenge about 20 ks, in an mountain area which appearently is really beautiful. So there will be some practice and I think I am going to do the practice, but probably not the real challenge, because I don't think I can run 20 km... But it will keep me a bit fit:)

Otherwise I did my jobs when I came home and then I went for a swim in the pool in the garden! The water was 18-20 degres, and the beginning to get into the water was a bit hard, but I finally just jumped into the water and it was alright. The only thing that satyed cold were my shoulders. So I swam for around 20 minutes, which is not too bad but then I was a bit dizzy because the pool is rather short, so I did a lot of turns. But I really enjoyed it and I was the first to go into the pool after winter:D Now I feel really good and I even feel my legmuscles:)

Tomorrow, I will be going to the gym with my friend Rikke, I'm already pretty excited for that!:)

1 comment:

  1. Désolée de lire que tes recettes ne sont pas choisies pour la semaine internationale... Bravo pour la natation. Je n'aurai jms pu rentrer ds une eau aussi froide... Et bravo pour la course, l'entrainement est une bonne idée. Ms courir 20 km, c'est énorme.
