So we sold the food really well eventhough the system wasn't really ideal because a lot of people just kept their little coupon and went for another serve without paying again.. And Mr. Kitchin who took care of the money, was permanently taking a moufle of food and then said the food is soo good, but we all weren't allowed to eat anything. So we told that Mr.Kitchin and then he said everybody can take something. So at least it was fair, but that wasn't really nice for our clientel..
But after all, it was very nice! And at the end, we could eat all the lestover!:D
After that, my hostsister Jordyn had birthday that week and passed by in Havelock, so we had a nice birthday meal and her father came over for dinner too. It was a nice evening! And we had a wonderful dinner and chocolate cake!
Bon, les photos me donnent envie de tout gouter.... Cela a l'air excellent! Heuruesement que vous avez eu la possiblité de terminer les restes. Vs avez tant travaillé. Et ce M. Kitchin qui goute à tout, ah, non! Ce n'est pas correct!