It was a rainy and not too good day..
In the summer uniform we aren't allowed to wear stockings so my legs were really freezing. It was just raining all the time an during lunch so we had to eat inside (the 200 block it's the warmest) and we were in fact just wainting ofr the bell to ring..
After school I didn't acutally do anything, because of the bad weather. But luckily, the rain just had stopped when the school was over, so I was able to go home without getting wet, but the wind was freezing cold so I was kind of running home:p
Mais c'est quand même incroyable de ne pas être autorisé à se vêtir chaudement alors qu'il fait un temps pourri.... Quel réglement idiot! J'ai bien peur que tu attrappes froid.... Quelle horreur!