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Thursday, 31 October 2013


Only one more day until Weekend! YAY

Today, wasn't a really nice day, it was very windy and looked rainy all the time..

And immediately in the first period we did chocolate chip pancakes in the cooking class, what a good day to start in the day!:D We didn't even get finished because we had heaps of dough! So at lunchtime we came again and finished doing the pancakes and ate them with wipped cream and banana slices!

At form time, I had house assembly because it's the end of the regular school and my house, Kauri, won the Patu, which is like a challange between the different houses. This was during the whole schoolyear, and it consisted of a swimming, athletics, kapa haka, pull the engine and some more challanges. The year 13 leavers said goodbye and the house teachers all got a little present. It was really nice!

In the last period, there was a film premiere and I could invite some friends and we had chips and popcorn, cookies, and Carla, Bea and Anna were there. There were some very interesting videos but the teacher took the wrong movie from the skitrip of the coputer, so he couldn't show it.. But that's alright.

My hostsister still didn't feel too well so she only went partly to school and then she had to get to her work instructions.

Then I helped doing dinner, wonderful salad, mashed potatoes and egg:)

Happy Halloween!


On Wednesday, the weather was wonderful! I only had three periods, because I went surfing and we go during schooltime, so the first periods were good, but quite boring, just like usual..

At period 4 was assembly but for the surfing we would have left during this time, so we didn't have to go to the assembly, which was really nice. We stayed for a while in the classroom together and could eat our lunch and then we got ready in the van. Then we drove to 2 students house, because they had forgotten their stuff and then we went direction waimarama beach.

When we arrived we got quickly into our wetsuits and then we went into the water. I must say that the water was definetly less cold than last time I went and I really liked it because I knew what to do and we had perfect waves, apperently it was one of the best days of surfing for this summer!

First a little refreshment of the bases

trying to get up-I managed to stand several times, which is actually pretty good, and it's just a wonderful feeling!

there were a lot of crashes

the first step, pushing your chest up,
then get on your knees,
then one foot in front and standing straight!

The car with the surfboards, after the lesson, everybody was pretty tired..

Here I go fully focussed!

wonderful waves!

Mr. Kitchin on his kajak

Mr.Kitchin actually forgot that Rikke wanted to come with us surfing, so she was looking for us and ended up calling us and, she just went home, because we were already at the beach.. Poor Rikke!

So it was great and we had wonderful waves! I really enjoyed it and I must say that there is quite a lot of salt in the water and at the end of the lesson, your throat is pretty scratching because when your in the water your also getting some in your mouth..

But after the lesson we got some ice cream!:D I had maple shortcake, and it was alright, not super special but good:)

Home at 5, I was pretty tired and then my hostmom went to a dinner for work and my hostsister had been at home the whole day, because she didn't feel good at all because she has gladular feever...


Tuesday was a very nice day and really sunny! I had a normal schoolday and in the cookingclass we did yummy cheese muffins! At the end of the class, we had to colect the rubbish in the squat, and we made a sort of a challenge ouf of that, so it was really fun and I got really hot..

After school I went to the village with Rikke to buy a few things and she afterwards went to the gym and I went home.

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

cat with arrow in the head survives

Katze überlebt mit Pfeil im Kopf

So viel Glück muss man erst einmal haben: Ein Pfeil durchschlägt den Schädel eines Katers und ragt auf beiden Seiten aus dem Kopf. Das Tier überlebt.

Der Pfeil durchschlug Kater Moo Moos Kopf, doch die Katze überlebte.
Der Pfeil durchschlug Kater Moo Moos Kopf, doch die Katze überlebte. Ein Unbekannter hatte mit einer Armbrust auf den vier Jahre alten Kater in Neuseeland geschossen. «Er hat sehr, sehr viel Glück gehabt», sagte Tierarzt Jonathan Bray am Mittwoch. Tierärzte von der Massey-Universität hatten das Tier am Dienstag operiert. Der Pfeil hatte den Schädel des Katers völlig durchdrungen und ragte auf beiden Seiten aus dem Kopf des Tiers.
Allerdings hatte Moo Moo Glück im Unglück - der Pfeil traf die Katze oberhalb des Auges, streifte den Schädelknochen und verfehlte das Gehirn, erklärte Bray. «Die Gehirnmasse wurde nicht beschädigt.» Das habe die Operation einfach gemacht. «Es gab eine kleine Verletzung an seiner Nase und seiner Augenhöhle.»
Am Tag nach der Operation gehe es Moo Moo gut. «Er ist aufgeweckt und zufrieden, die Wunde heilt gut, und er wird keine bleibende Schäden zurückbehalten». Der Besitzer Moo Moos wisse nicht, wer auf das Tier geschossen habe, berichtete die Tageszeitung «The Dominion Post». Die Polizei untersucht den Vorfall. Dem Täter drohe bis zu einem Jahr Haft, sagte ein Vertreter der örtlichen Tierschutzorganisation dem Blatt.
(L'essentiel Online/dpa)


Une campagne “antichats” pour sauver les oiseaux

1 400 000 chats en Nouvelle-Zélande, c’est beaucoup trop, surtout pour les pauvres kiwis, qui leur servent de pâtée. Au nom de la préservation de ces volatiles, incapables de voler, Gareth Morgan, un homme d’affaires néo-zélandais, a lancé une campagne “antichatsrelate le site américain Global Post. Son argument : les félins ont été importés en Nouvelle-Zélande et ils y causent des ravages – “Votre chat est responsable de la mort de 65 animaux par an”. La New Zealand’s National Business Review voit dans cette initiative du “racisme animal”.


Une chanson maorie pour l'adoption du mariage gay

Moment d'émotion au parlement néo-zélandais : le public et les députés ont salué par une chanson d'amour maorie l'adoption de la loi sur le mariage entre personnes du même sexe.

Une chanson d'amour en maori - habituellement entonnée lors des mariages - a retenti, mercredi 17 avril, dans le parlement néo-zélandais, qui venait d'adopter la loi autorisant le mariage des couples homosexuels. Le public dans les tribunes a d'abord entonné le chant, avant qu'il ne soit repris par quelques parlementaires, comme le montre la vidéo de la séance. "Le débat a été mené avec beaucoup d'humour et très peu d'agressivité", note le New Zealand Herald.
Le texte a été porté par Louisa Wall, députée homosexuelle du Parti travailliste, principale formation d’opposition. Pour l'occasion, la députée a revêtu un vêtement aux couleurs arc-en-ciel, au moment de la troisième lecture. La loi a été adoptée avec 77 voix contre 44. La Nouvelle-Zélande est ainsi le 13ème pays dans le monde à adopter une telle législation.  

Monday, 28 October 2013


On Friday, I went with my hostmom and hostsister to Tauranga. We left at 10:30, because we have been waiting until Jordyn left the house.

After a few hours driving we had a break at theMcDonalds in Rotorua, which was a bit smelly, and the McDonalds was really filthy, but at least we could have lunch and go to the toilet. Then we drove through to Tauranga. All in all it was a 4 hour drive, but the roads are really good and there wasn't a lot of trafic so it went really good.

We arrived, and the grandparents are really lovely and generous! We immediately got a cup of tea and some chocolate and apricot fudge, which was fantastic! I loved it! Then we went for a couple of hours to the shopping centre near by and they have a few different shops than in Hawke's Bay, so it was nice, but I actually didn't buy anything. Then we had dinner and watched Rugby-Magpies against Tasman, and the Tasman won.

Next morning a nice breakfast, cereals with cooked rhubarbe, so yummy! Then we went for a walk around the Mount Monganui. It was nice and we had a wonderful view on the Tauranga port and city!

Mt Monganui

the Beach


everybody active for the walk

the port

some vacancy houses

The we had a light lunch-sandwiches- and we left again to go the fashion island,a place where there are several shops and outlets, so you could get cloths from brands for a way cheaper price. Then we went back to the house and Trish's 2 brothers came over with their each 2 children. So it was a nice evening with the family and they are all very nice. And the grandmother had made a wonderful dinner and a lot of food. And as desert a wonderful carot cake! So yummy!! 
When the family had left, we watched Rugby again and then I went quite early to bed. 

Sunday morning, a nice breakfast with rhubarb again and then we made us ready to leave. Before we got another cup of tea and fudge, which was delicious!

When we left the grandparents seemed pretty sad, which is understandable. 

The house and garden

And there we went for another 4 hours driving, and this time we only make a small break at the filthy McDonalds to go to the toilet. 

But it's really funny how the weather changes in those hours, from 18 in Tauronga, to 8 in Taupo to 20 in Napier! But the drive was nice and we only got a few rainfalls near Taupo. 

A kiwi farm

When we arrived, we had a small problem, we couldn't get into the house, because we didn't have the key to get into the house, so no frontkey, and the door between the garage and the house was closed from the inside.. So they had to drive to my hostsister' boyfriend's house to get the key, because he took car of the dog and the cat while we weren't there. But that was just a thing of a few minutes. Then we unpacked, Trish went to get groceries and did some laudry. That was what we did for Sunday. 

Today, Monday, I just mogged around and got some washing in and changed my sheets into summersheets. It was a nice and relaxed day!

Tomorrow, school is going to start again, but only 6 more days and then we will finally have outdoor education, which is going to be great!