So it is winter now and it's still quite cold. The day can be 13 degrees cold or sometimes 18 degrees warm. But whatever weather it is the people are dressing like in summer! My host sister is wearing dresses and skirts all the time and the guys are wearing shorts.. It's somethign I really can't understand.. I'm running around with pants and a pretty big and warm winterjacket and the kiwis in summercloths and jerseys..
I could especially realize that on muftiday, allmost everybody was waering shorts, skirts or dresses.. I was kind of shocked because of that, and then the internationals, all had their jackets, pants and scarfs.. It'S kind of strange for me;)
Moi, je te comprends. Prends soin de toi. Habille toi chaudement. Ecoute ta maman....