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Friday, 9 August 2013

Mufti Day

Today, Friday, it was the national muft,iy day in New Zealand, that means you can wear whatever you want to go to school or even for work. So no uniform today! Ohh, what a strange feeling, I'm now used to wear the uniform here, so it's really weired to wake up and to have to choose what to wear..
And at school, everybody looks so different, and it's hard to recognize the people, because they are wearing make-up and their hair in a different way.

The mufti day is for a good reason, it's a kind of a charity event and they are collecting fonds to support the kiwi kids. There were also cupcakes being sold and some other food in the lunch break.

but I think it was fun for one day, but it's much easier to just waer the uniform..

So and today, in my cooking class, we made some delicious apple crumbles. Sadly we had not much time to eat and enjoy, but they were delicious with a spoon of vanilla icecream. Yummy!!

In the last day, the weather was fantastic, everyday around 19 degrees, ohh so enjoyable, and it's still winter! That quite stange when you compare that climate to europe.. Sadly, the weatherprediction say that it's going to be a rainy weekend and even a rainy next week.. That's really bad..

And I wanted to say, that I'm in perfect health and that even my nose isn't running anymore, so that's really much more easy to deal with!

In my digital technology class I have already finished my workbook, in one week and now I have to do an test about what I've learned.. I've started it today, so it's on the computer, but I think I'm doing a quite good work, it's all about exel, so how to calculate the average or maximum of something and similar stuff. I'm really enjoying that class!

In history we are talking about the Vietnam war, and I must say, the lessons are quite boring but it's still okay. Today, we were watching a movie. But I was really tired and in fact I'm sitting at the back of the class in a corner and a guy sat just in front of me, so I couldn't actually see the TV screen, so I had a little nap.. But then I was wide awake again! ;)

1 comment:

  1. Voilà, j'ai encore appris qch grâce à toi... Mufti day... Merci! Super! Dommage pour l'histoire car la guerre du Vietnam est très intéressante et importante à comprendre.... En tous cas, je suis heureuse de lire que ta santé est revenue. Ouf! Journée chargée.
