Der Globus ist dazu da um entdeckt zu werden.

Sunday, 11 August 2013


This weekend was rainy again.. So I spent a lot op time in bed reading, so I finally red a whole 330 pages book! That's really cool.

I have just prepared my lunch and snacks for tomorrow, for the trip. I'm very excited about that!!

I have realized that the housenumbers aren't like in Europe: you have on one side the house number 1 then the house number 2 on the oppsite side and house 3 next to house number 1. Here house 1 is next to house number 2 and that one is next to house number 3.

1 comment:

  1. Bon, ben, voilà, le livre est terminé!
    J'espère que ton ventre va mieux...
    Et voilà, j'ai encore appris qchose : les n° des maisons.... Je n'arrête pas de progresser.... Merci Clara! J'ai pensé directement à ta belle journée en me réveillant ce matin (et en me couchant hier soir).
