Today I already felt less tired, but it was still hard to get up..
But I had a very nice day, and at form time we had assembley, so the best student sof the school got like a diplome from the schoolprincipal. It was incredible how good some students are! But I must say that in Luxembourg, the grades aren't so public as here, because they are saying into the micophone which grad they had.. and luch was very nice today, we all were sunbathing in the schoolcourt. It was very nice! And then we made our pizzasvin the cooking class. A delicious tomato, basil and mozzarella pizza! It was wonderful and very filling!
Then I didn't do anything else and when I arrived at home, I fell asleep, so I had a nice little nap:)
Oh and I started editing the film of our skitrip. It's very interessting to do that and I really enjoy doing that!:)
But I finally not went to the rugby match, because it is far away and you need a ride home and I only had one practice until now, so I don't feel ready to do that right now... Next time!:D
And something traditional are Tim-Tam. These are biscuts covered with chocolate and with alight chocolate filling or with other fillings, they are really tasty!:)
now there are even more different flavour available! :D
But it is a little tradition to bite of the both ends and then you can use it as a strow and drink milk trew it!
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