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Tuesday, 6 August 2013


It's been quite a long time I haven't posted anything.
So this weekend was rainy.. This was sad, but Saturday was still okay. So on both days I went to town and I had a really good time!
Yesterday, was a really nice day and it was sunny! This was very nice and I  had a very relaxed schoolday!
It was the first time we met our newzealand cooking teacher. She made us write down which dishes we would like to cook. In Media Studies a Film director visited us and explained us his work and how he does his powerpoint-presentations to get a job. Then he also explained us how he makes 3D animations to show a preview of the advertissement. This was very interessting.

Today, I had my first english lesson, because before I obviously had no english, so I had to change that! SO I don't have any PE (physical education) which is a bit sad, but that's fine.  My English teacher is also my form and Media Studies Teacher. He's very nice! In English some students presented their speaches and then we started to watch the movie Juno which we are going to analyse later on. I am really looking forward to my next lesson. In Digital Technology, I have almost finished my workbook and the teacher was very glad to hear about that. So I will probably write a test later on, which is scaring me a bit.. The I had a studylesson, which was extremly boring.. But that's fine.. In new Zealand cooking, we prepared vegetables like courgette, peppers, pumpkin, sweet potatoe and onions. Then we put all these veggies on a grillplate and put these in the oven before we had put oil, crunshed garlic, salt and pepper on top. Tomorrow we are going to use these vegetables to make mediterean tarts. We will probably be able to bring some of them home.

I am eating quite a lot of Pumpkin for now, because it's theseason when the pumpkin is sweet and it's really good with roasted potatoes!

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