Today I went to school, because I felt a bit better and I though I can't stay at home all the time, so back to work! So I got up in the morning and went to school. But firsteval I had to get my timetable. That went very well, it was already saved in the computer and they only had to print it in the secretary.
So first lesson sport! The gymastium ist quite cold, but it was okay and they finally put the heater on too. Then I had a study lesson, which was really boring, because I don't have any homeworks and as a consequence I had nothing to do. Unfortunately, you have to do something. So I borrowed a book at the library. Then there was morning tea, that's the little morning break. So I met all the other internationals, or almost all of them and we ate morning tea together.
Then I had my history class and then we had the New Zealand cooking class, which is apperently only for exchange students. And then I had form class, which is a class that lastes 20 minutes and you have a teacher who you can talk to if you have some problems. After that there was the lunchbreak and finally I had my digital technologies class. So there I am working with computers and for the moment especially with microsoft exel.
So that was my first real schoolday!
Tu es courageuse! Bravo ma fille! J'adooore te lire....