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Friday, 9 August 2013


So I played badminton in my luch break, which was a nice activity to do. Before in Form time I had assembly. So that a meeting of a house in the auditorium were all members of a particular house are present. Because every student belongs to a house.
Miro, Kauri (my house and they are blue), Rata, Tainui, these are the different houses and every house has its own color.  And every house has a head of the house and a house tutor. They are organizing acctivities and making competitions against each other.

In the afternoon a friend came to my house and we had a good time :)

1 comment:

  1. Alors c'est comme chez Léo, vous êtes organisés en "maisons". (et chez Harry Potter).
    Bien, tu continue le badminton. Tu ne perds lpas la main.
    Je suis contente que tu aies de la visite à la maison. Chouette!
