Today, it was very hard for me to get up, because I was very tired, maybe because of the rugbypractice, maybe because I couldn't sleep very well during night, who knows?!
So then up to school! First lesson, New Zealand Cooking! We made yeast dough for the pizza we are going to do tomorrow. It was very interesting and our teacher also showed us how to make chapatis or something similar. It's very nice because she has a very big knowledge about all things that belong to cooking. So tomorrow, we are doing to pizza topping and I am really looking forward to doing that!
The weather was good today, but the wind was quite cold.. In studyclass, a men explained about the future events for the students, if they want to go to uni or rather not...
During the lunchbreak there were the house touch teams playing against eachother. So every house in the school has touch rugby teams and they are all playing against eachother and the winningteam can collect points on this way. But it was quite windy, so cold, so I didn't watch a lot.. Tomorrow, the girls are playing:)
After school I got some Rugby shoes for the training and matches. In fact there are Rugby matches tomorrow, but they are somewhere farer away and I'm already very tired and I only had one single training so I won't go tomorrow;)
Then at home I did some Apfeleierkuchen and then with a friend we went to New World, the supermarket to buy a few ingredients for the topping for the pizza for tomorrow.
At the News they said that there will be 18 degrees tomorrow, which is very nice and I am looking forward for tomorrow! It's going to be a relaxed day and I am perfectly fine with that!
Bravo pour le rugby! Chouette. Miam miam la pizza et c'est tjs intéressant de voir comment l'orientation se fait ds d'autres systèmes. Trish devait être bien contente avec Apelkuchen... Bonne idée!