I was in a group with Rikke, Priscilla and Carla and we started in the village and made our way up the peak. We had a quite complicated road but we did our best!
The team still happy and enthousiastic.
We had to do pictures all the way long to proof we were at the different places
That Pipi's a popular italian restaurant
We made our way, to the reserve and further
A lot of thinking and asking
A really nice day, look at this blue sky
Our tries to do a selfie with 4 people, which didn't really work:p
We started to get a bit tired, but we had water and we actually didn't do breaks except one.
We had troubles to get to the te mata reserve, to the chambers walk, we did quite a lot more walking than necessary.
We weren't all really prepared to go walking all day, long, with jeans and injuries.. And the wrong shoes, but we did it!
What a nice scenery!
And then we got lost, we couldn't get to the peak! We were walking and walking and there were a lot of different way and tracks and we really tried our best but it was hard nad we were pretty lost. But then we finally found the road, and Mr. K was already waiting for us, and so he drove us up in the car for the last few metres. We were all pretty grumpy and exhausted after running around one hour more than the others.. But then we were on the very top, did a photo and went back down.
Nice house in the woods!
Back at school we had lunch, because we were only carrying the most necessary things with us. After lunch, we did a newspaper article about our stay here and to keep in contact with some kiwis.
After that our team ate an ice cream and we were all really tired.
When I came home I was just really tired! But I think we still had fun:)
Oh mes scouts.... Bon, le pire c'est d'être mal équipé : avoir les mauvais vêtements et les chaussures qui font mal. Une cata. Mais vous êtes hyper courageuses et très fortes! Toutes mes félicitations! Vous êtes els meilleures en endurance.