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Wednesday, 18 September 2013


Yesterday wass my day off and I slept very long and then I studied for my history exam I had today.

Today I could sleep again bacaus emy exam only started in the afternoon, at 1:20 pm. so I was able to eat at the house and then go for school. The exam was made out of two part, the essay part and the unfamiliar text part, or out of two essays. I took the firt choice and it went very good for my essay about the Berlin Wall, you had to talk about the causes and consequences of an important historical event and then you had 8 different sources to analyse and read, like texts, carricatures or leaflets and then answer 3 questions. Otherwise you could have also choosen to write an essay about an important historical event that influenced the New Zealanders. The resource textes were about the 1951 waterfront Dispute. This is when there was a the biggest strike between the workers and their employes.

The 1951 waterfront dispute

The waterfront dispute of 1951 was the biggest industrial confrontation in New Zealand’s history. Although it was not as violent as the Great Strike of 1913, it lasted longer – 151 days, from February to July – and involved more workers. At its peak, 22,000 waterside workers (wharfies) and other unionists were off the job, out of the country's population of just under two million.
The 1951 confrontation was the culmination of decades of unrest on the wharves. The waterfront occupied a strategic place in New Zealand’s export economy and had long been a flashpoint of industrial conflict. This country’s two largest strikes prior to 1951 – in 1890 and 1913 – were both largely centred on the wharves.
The dispute took place in a climate of Cold War suspicion. The opposing sides denounced each other as Nazis, Commies, traitors and terrorists. It polarised politics and split the union movement, leaving a bitter legacy that lingers to this day. The combatants could not even agree on what to call the dispute – the employers and government described it as a strike, but to the waterside workers it was a lockout.

I thought this was the hard part. The essay about the Berlin Wall went quite well I think and I am good with it, but the unfamiliar resources was hard and I didn't really understood too much.. But okay, I tried and that's the most important!

Tomorrow, I have the first two lesson digital technology and then my week is over!! YAY! After these lessons I will meet with a friend and we will see what we will do:)

Today, it was very sunny but quite cold, especially when the wind was blowing..

1 comment:

  1. Intéressant cet article. Je ne connaissais pas. En tous cas bravo pour tous tes efforts. Tu es la meilleure.
