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Monday, 23 September 2013


On Sunday, I didn't do anything big. My friend visited me at around noon and then we looked for what nice activities we could do or what are the must sees when our parents are coming. It was really fun and then we went for a walk and I looked for the Bed&Breakfast my parents are going to stay at. It was a very hot day and then I spent the rest of the day reading in a travel guide about New Zealand, where I already learned about a lot of fact I didn't know about!

So that was a quite short Sunday, but I was still tired because of the sleepover at Anna-Lena..
And I had a nice talk with parents!:)

1 comment:

  1. Moi aussi, j'ai bien apprécié de discuter avec toi! Et papa est tellement content que tu fasses des recherches pour notre voyage découverte de la NZ! Bravo et merci!
