Today i went to school again, which was very refreshing because it's getting a bit boring to staya all day in bed or in the house. I must say I only stayed the morning, because then I got cramps again and went home, but otherwise it was nice to talk to my friends again:)
In New Zealand cooking we did some good and some burned naan breads, which was really fun and they tasted very good!
And then I haven't slept during the day, so I hope I will be able to fall easily asleep this evening.. Right now, my stomach is hurting again, but that's a constant state of mine, so it's almost fine.
Then on Saturday, there is a bowling game for all the international students of Hawke's bay, which is going to be really fun and I really would like to go there and I hope I will feel good again until then.
At school everybody is preparing themselves for the exams and it's strange to see everybody work so intensly and I partly don't even have exams. The exams are next week and there are dates set for every subject. So for example I have on Monday, from 9 to 11 english exam. When I'm done I can go home and there are also subjects, like cooking, where I don't even have any exams, and on these days we can just stay at home:D
Bon, c'est bien de sortir de la maiosn et revoir les copains. C'est important pour la santé et le moral. Cette histoire de ventre est vraiment alarmante. Allez, bonne chance pour les examens.