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Tuesday, 24 September 2013


Today, I went for the first time to my French class which replaces the Maori class. The things that they are studying are really easy for me and I was kind of bored during the whole lesson. But tomorrow I can help the other students to write a text or something similar, which would be more interessting.

In my cooking class we made some ham and spinach quiches, which was really nice and we are going to serve these during our hostfamilies dinner! I'm really looking forward to that:)

And in Media Studies I finished our Movie about the Ski-trip, which I am quite proud of!

After school I went to the village with my friend Carla and then we watched Misfits-a series we watch together- while eating a few Tim Tam's. Yummy!!

That was my day!

1 comment:

  1. Bravo pour ton film de ski. Bravo pour els quiches. Et je suis sure que le repas international sera un succès.
