Today, I got up as usual, but I was really excited.. I only ate a youghurt because I was so nervous and then I re-read all the things in my english folder, so everything is freshly in my head. I hopped into my uniform and the exam should go from 9 to 12, so it was 9:45 and I was desperately worried to be too late.. But I arrived perfectly in time, the classroom was almost emty and everything went on fine.
On every desk 4 booklets were laying there and waited to be filled out. So we had 3 hours to fill in a booklet with 3 unknown textes, where you had to analyse and respond to a long question, so some writing. Another booklet about a movie or other oral or visual text, so there were 8 questions and you could choose the one you wanted to answer. And the third booklet was about a novel that had been red and analysed in class. I sadly wasn't yet at school when they did this, so I had to skip that part. But I was really eager and happy to write it all! I really tried my best and wrote quite a lot I would say, so I'm quite proud of me and happy that I did it. So this exams are giving an provisory mark and gives the student an idea and shows him how much he should study more.
My teacher congratulated me for giving such an effort and he sais I did so well. But I was acctually only thinking, he hadn't red what I have written at that stage.. So I hope he won't be too disapointed but I was really happy that I did it! In fact I only have one more exam on Wednesday in history, because my teacher told me I shouldn't go to my Media Studies exam, because I missed the whole theory part, so I wouldn't even know what to write, but I still would have gone. But now, I defeitely don't have to go.
Tomorrow I have a free day, so no exams nor lessons, so I can stay at home all day long. I hope to go for a walk or a biketour to enjoy a bit the weather, just as I did today. It's defeitely getting warmer and warmer everyday and I really look forward to be able to jump in the pool!
My hostsister told me that the finalexams would be very different, because it's very strict. The walls are all covered with paper and the students all have a studentnumber. Everystudent, studentnumber has a desk with a closed envelop where the examsheets are in. The actual teachers aren't allowed to be part of all this, but external workers from NZQA are coming and supervising everything. You aren't allowed to take a pencilcase with you, your stationary must be in a plastic zipbag. Your cellphone must be in a plasticbag under your desk, visible for the supervisors. If you had a clash, which means that you have two exams on the same time, you have to change one of them, so you are in a class with some others. If that would happen, they have to isolate you, so that you defenitely have no chance for cheating. This would make me so nervous, only to hear all these rules is already stressful. There is an immense pressureon the students for these exams!
So these were my first examexpierences, which were really great:)
Je suis fière de toi avec ton examen en anglais. je suis sûre que tu as bien fait. Pas de panique, le bac est aussi stressant et strict. Tu vas le vivre, si, si.... Bon courage.