Today, was a nice and relax day, but I was terrebly tired.. So nothing important happend at school, but everybody is preparing themselves for the benchmark exams, which are in two weeks. The pressure is getting higher on everybody..
My head is still hurting because of the paintball, but it's getting better. I have a very nice blue bruise on my shoulder.. It's really terrible to brush my hair, because the bruise it right on my scalp and I realized today that I have a second bruise on my head.
When I came back from school today, I had a nice two hours nap:)
sadly, there is a girl which has to change her hostfamily, because her hostmother was an alcoholic and was priviledging her own son. So now she is living at the homestay coordinators house. She is very homesick, so she is crying quite a lot, which is very sad..
In Maori I learned today, that it can be possible that sometimes in certain cultures, the husband takes the last name of his wife, for exemple when she is the last in her bloodline with this last name. So thanks to that, her name will continue to live trew the following generations!
Today, the weather was very nice but appearnetly it will be the nicest day this week, which isn'T so good..
Bon courage avec tes bleus. Intéressant cette tradiction maori. Très égalitaire homme/femme.