The second skiday, the weather was quite bad, it was very foggy, but me and my two skiingpartners went up the mountain until the very top. we could not see a lot but we decided to take a T-bar lift which was going quite high and when we arrived to the top of the lift, the seight was clear again and you could see where you were going, wonderful.
So in fact we were above the clouds. So we went down one slope and decided to take the same lift again, but sadly when we arrived at the top for our second time, the clouds were everywhere, and we weren't able to see a lot.. So to go back down, a men helped us and guided us. But then suddenly I just fell down the slope, because there are no fences or similar things, so you don't really know when the slope stopps.. But it wasn't steep so I could get up immediately;) But it was very tiring, because you can't see anything and you have to concentrate to always find the right way.
Then after some more slopes, we went back to the lodge for lunch and then we went back up the hill with 3 other Snowboarder, so we were 6 which was perfectly fine too and we had a lot of fun:)
In the evening more and more slopes were closed, so we didn't have a very big choice of slopes we could do, but that was fine.
Back at the lodge we made scones and went again to the hot pools. That day, not a lot of people went there, but it was still fine:)
And then one more wonderful and delicous dinner! But everybody was quite tired and the cramps already started..
everybody had jobs to do and had to wash their own dishes
Eh bien, quelle aventure! Skier ds le brouillard, c'est vraiment stressant. Mais les bons repas, ça fait plaisir! Chouette.