Facts about Slovakia
- Surface: 49.034 km²
- inhabitants: 5.415.949
- currency: Euro
- language: Slovak
- capital: Bratislava
flag of Slovakia |
coat of arms
Map of Slovakia with its neighbours: Poland, Ukraine, Romania, Hungary, Austria and the Czech republic |
I'm now on an exchange for 3 month in Slovakia. I live in Rajec, which is a little town of around 6.000 inhabitants.
The coat of arms of Rajec |
Rajec is also near a thermal source and that's why there is Rajec water all around Slovakia.
map of Slovakia, the darker part is the region zilinský kraj, the point in that part is the location of Zilina |
I got to school in the bigger town near by, in Zilina. It is more an industrial town, but i think there are nice builings with a lot of flair. In this town, there are more than 81.000 inhabitants.
the coat of arms of Zilina |
(pictures from Wikipedia)