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Wednesday, 10 June 2015

My way to school part 2

Because now, i will be here for less than a months, i thought it's about time to post some more, things i want to be able to remember later an see from time to time again. So here is another post of my daily way to school, just that i am starting from school an going to the trainstation, and i usually do it the other way around, because in the afternoon i go to another trainstation.
So enjoy, the way is quite nice with a lot of green. It is a little out of the centre, so that's why there are a lot of appartment lots.
Žilina is an industrial city, so that's why there are a lot of industrial Buildings which might also look a bit old fashioned, a lot of them have been build during the socialist period
This is a primary school

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Pictures from the trainride

Here are some photos from when i took the train on sunday, and as proof there is even the reflection of the train windows in some photos, enjoy!

So you can see the landscape i see every day, a lot of green, forest, hills and farmers land.
Every village, no matter how small has its footballfield, i really like this one, just mown in a randome field, a little bit outside of the village.
You can see typical houses and also a lonly rock, which is quite impressing me!
At the end you can see a place where little cottages out of wood are built in rajec and finally my trainstation.

Saturday, 16 May 2015

A part of my daily way to school

In this post I would like to share my every day life in Slovakia. 
Every day I get up before 6 o'clock and get ready for school, eat breakfast etc. After that I go out of the appartment at 6.20 at the latest and I walk to the trainstation which is a bit less than 2 km away. At 6.40 the train leaves from Rajec which is also its first station. After a 40 minutes trainride, I leave the train in a station which is in Zilina. Then I walk about 15-20 minutes to school, and school starts at 8. 
At the end of the street is the appartment where i live. (grey and white) It is a very small appartment with only one bedroom and a small bathroom, but this very normal in Slovakia. A lot of people live in quite small appartments or houses which are outside of town. 

Electricity is transmitted trough cabels which are on poles and not in the ground. 

A special way to store the wood for the oven to heat during winter. 

Every house has its garden where are planted a lot of different plants and vegetables. We often have potatoes and eggs from the grandparents which live in the village near by. 

This house is typical for the communist period with its flat roof and very rectangular shape. There are still a few houses in that kind, the communism has left its marks a bit every where. An other example is that it is quite rare to find somebody who speaks English. Most people speak Russian as they were told in Communism and this language is still being thought in almost every school. 

This is the local primary school. 

I hope this gave you a little impression of Slovakia and these are all my own photos I have taken in Rajec.